Tuesday, February 25, 2014


OK so my photo dump is still in need of links. I will adjust that later today.

In the meantime I am working on 4 My Little Ponies from the new show. I have three rainbow dash and one big Mac. I will post photos and link to the wonderful artists that created and shared the patterns I'm using! I look forward to updating more frequently! And hopefully helping a few friends who said they would like to learn!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Photo dump....

OK so in the beginning of this blog I know I promised some photos.... well here goes.

~i will post credits to patterns used in creating these later today when I have access to a PC.~

Ok this first one has no pattern yet... i just made it up i will be working on one soon to post and share.
Basic hat pattern used here for the angry birds
Hat and the felt for the eyes and stitched the beak straight on.
this was the beginning or a blue mandala throw for a chriatmas gift.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Simple starters.

OK I know I haven't been on since I started this blog, but in a attempt to be better with this, here is my newest simple creation. Great for beginners!

Rice Ball Pin Cushion

D hook (3-3.5MM)
Cream or White Yarn
Black or Dark Green Felt
Black Yarn for details

This pattern is worked in rounds, it is best to use a stitch marker to keep track of each round.
The numbers at the end indicate how many stitches are in that round.

CH – chain
SC – Single Crochet
ST – Stitch
DEC – decrease
BLO – back loop only

Stuff as you go
1. Crochet 6 in magic ring - 6
2. 2sc in each st around – 12
3. *sc in first st, 2sc in next st* around – 18
4. *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 st* - 24
5. Sc in each st around – 24
6. Sc in first 12 st, 2sc in next, sc in last 11 st – 25
7-9 sc in each st around – 25
10  *2sc in next st, sc in next 3* around – 32
11   Sc in each st around - 32
12   sc in BLO around – 32
13  sc dec in next 2sc, sc in next 2 st – 24
14  sc dec in next 2sc, sc in next st – 16
15  *sc dec in next 2sc* around – 8
Tie off and weave in tail to close hole
Cut piece of felt to a rectangle of 3in X 1in.
Sew on with black thread
Create eyes and mouth with black yarn