Sunday, November 2, 2014

Super Hero Monkey Girl

Super Hero Monkey Girl
The Pattern:


(US crochet terms)

Abbreviations used:
ch - chain
sc - single crochet
dec - single crochet decrease
sl st - slip stitch
st(s) - stitch(es)
Hdc – half double crochet
Tc – triple crochet

I used a 3.75mm (F/5) hook by Boye

Stuff as you go.
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2) 2 sc in each sc around (12)
Round 3) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) around (18)
Round 4) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc) around (24)
Round 5) 1 sc in each sc around (24)
Round 6) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc) around (30)
Round 7) 1 sc in each sc around (30)
Round 8) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc) around (36)
Round 9) 1 sc in each sc around (36)
Round 10) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 5 sc) around (42)
Round 11-12) 1 sc in each sc around (42)
Round 13) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 5 sc) around (36)
Round 14) 1 sc in each sc around (36)
Round 15) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc) around (30)
Round 16) 1 sc in each sc around (30)
Round 17) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc) around (24)
Round 18) 1 sc in each sc around (24)
Round 19) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc) around (18)
Round 20) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc) around (12)
Round 21) (sc dec in next 2 sc) around (6)
Finish, leave tail for sewing.
Complete stuffing, sew remaining hole closed. leave long tail for sewing

Stuff as you go.
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2) 2 sc in each sc around (12)
Round 3) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) around (18)
Round 4) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc) around (24)
Round 5) 1 sc in each sc around (24)
Round 6) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc) around (30)
Round 7) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc) around (36)
Round 8) 1 sc in each sc around (36)
Round 9) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 5 sc) (42)
Round 10) 1 sc in each sc around (42)
Round 11) (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc) (48)
Round 12 - 16) 1 sc in each sc around (48)
Round 17) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 6 sc) around (42)
Round 18) 1 sc in each sc around (42)
Round 19) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 5 sc) around (36)
Round 20) 1 sc in each sc around (36)
Round 21) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc) around (30)
Round 22 - 26) 1 sc in each sc around (30)
Round 27) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc) around (24)
Round 28) 1 sc in each sc around (24)
Round 29) 1 sc in each sc around (24)
Round 30) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc) around (18)
Round 31) (sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc) around (12)
Round 32) (sc dec in next 2) around (6)
Finish, leave tail for sewing.
Complete stuffing, sew remaining hole closed.

Size D/3-3.25 Hook

Round 1) 4 sc in magic ring
Round 2) sc in each sc around (4)

Cut the yarn and fasten off. Leave a tail

Round 1) 4 sc in magic ring
Round 2) sc in each sc around (4)

Cut the yarn and fastern off. Leave a tail.

Big Toe
Round 1) 4 sc in magic ring
Round 2) sc in each sc around (4)

Cut the yarn and fastern off. Leave a tail.

Make 3
Round 1) 4 sc in magic ring
Round 2) sc in each sc around (4)
Round 3) sc in each sc around (4)

Make Three, finish off all but the third toe.

Right Hand/Foot:
Starting with Third Toe
Round 1) sc in next 2st of the third toe, sc in 2 st of one of the loose toes, sc in all 4 st of the last loose toes, sc in last 2 st of the middle toe, sc in last 2 st of third toe made (12)
Round 2) sc in each st around (12)
Round 3) in this round the Big Toe will be crocheted on. Sc in next 6st, sc in all 4 st of the toe, sc in the last 6 st.
Round 4) sc in next 3st, 2 sc in next 3 st, sc in next 7 st, dec in next sc
Round 5) sc 12, dec in next 4 sc, sc in next 11 st
Round 6) 2 sc in next st, dec in next 4 st, slip stitch in next 3 st
Round 7) sl next 2 st, 2 sc in next 3 st, sc in next 3 st.

Finish off.

Left Hand/Foot
Round 1) sc in next 2st of the third toe, sc in 2 st of one of the loose toes, sc in all 4 st of the last loose toes, sc in last 2 st of the middle toe, sc in last 2 st of third toe made (12)
Round 2) sc in each st around (12)
Round 3) in this round the Big Toe will be crocheted on  sc in next 2 st, sc in all 4 st of the Big Toe, sc in next 10 st around.
Round 4) dec in next sc, sc next 4, 2 sc in next 3st, sc in last 7 st
Round 5) sc in next 6 st,  dec in next 4 sc, sc 8
Round 6) sc in next 4 st, dec in next 6 st, sc next 2, slip stitich in next 4 st
Round 7)sl next 2 st, sc 9, dec in last st.

Continue Hand in second color to make the arm:
Round 7-8) sc in each st around (10)
Round 9) sc in next 5 st, 2 sc in next sc, sc in  next 4 st. (12)
Round 10 - 14) sc in each st around (12)
Round 15) (dec in next 2sc, sc next st) around (8)
Round 16) dec in next 2 sc around (4)
Finish, leave tail for sewing.
Complete stuffing, sew remaining hole closed.

Continue each foot in second color to make the leg:
Round 7) sc in each st around (10)
Round 8) sc in each st around (10)
Round 9) sc in next 5 st, 2 sc in next sc, sc in  next 4 st. (12)
Round 10 - 14) sc in each st around (12)
Round 15) (dec in next 2sc, sc next st) around (8)
Round 16) dec in next 2 sc around (4)
Finish, leave tail for sewing.
Complete stuffing, sew remaining hole closed.

Stuff as you go
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2) *sc in next, 2 sc in next* around
Round 3-36) sc around
Do not finish off, leave tail for sewing.

Round 1) chain 5, in second st back sc in next 4 around to the end of the chain. Work 3 more st into the last chain. This will ‘turn the corner’ on your foundation chain. Sc in the next 4. Work 3 sc in first st.
Round 2) sc around adding 2 sc in each ‘corner’ of your oval Sc 5, work 2 st into 5th st. sc next 6, add 2st in 6th st, 2 sc (17)
Round 3) Sc around (17)
Round 4) sc 5, 2sc in next, sc 7, 2sc in next, 3 sc
Finish off, leave long tail for sewing.

Eye Mask
This is worked in Rows not Rounds.
Row 1) ch 12, turn
Row 2) In second stitch from hook, Ch 12, turn, ch 1
Row 3) 2 sc in first st, 2 hdc in next st, 2 dc in next,  2 tc in next, 1 tc in next, sl in next two, 2 tc in next, 2 dc in next, 2 hdc in next, 2 sc in next, sc in last st.
Finish off and leave long tail to sew on to head. Also add the safety eyes at this time before sewing on.

This is worked in Rows not Rounds
Row 1) chain 13, turn         
Row 2 -8) sc 12, turn, ch 1
Finish off and leave a long tail, this will be wrapped around the middle of the bow to make the bow shape as well as sew the bow on.

This is worked in Rows not Rounds.
Row 1) Ch 25, turn
Row 2-4) sc 24, turn
Row 5) dec, sc 19, dec, turn
Row 6) sc 21, turn
Row 7) dec, sc 16, dec, turn
Row 8) sc 20, turn
Row 9) sc 20,turn
Row 10) dec, sc 14, dec
Row 11) sc 17, turn
Row 12) dec, sc 13, dec, turn
Row 13-14) sc 15, turn
Row 15) dec, sc 11, dec, turn
Row 16-17) sc 13, turn
Row 18) dec, sc 9, dec, turn
Row 19-21) sc 11, turn
Row 22) dec, sc 7, dec , turn
Row 23-26) sc 9
Row 27) sc around all sides, sc3 in each corner.
Finish off

Row 28) ch 25, sc in 9 sc of top of cape, ch 25, turn
Row 29) sc 24, sl st in next 9 st, sc 25
Finish off and tuck in strings

This is a free pattern. You are welcome to use this pattern to make your own but please to do claim as your own pattern. If used please link back to my blog for proper credit. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crocodile Stitch gloves/arm warmers

So I saw a really cool pair of gloves/arm warmers recently that I really wanted to make. Trouble was all I could find was that the person that made the pattern wasn't allowing it for free. they wanted $5 for just the pattern!

In the tradition of keeping things free I found out what the stitch was called found a pattern for how to do that stitch and created my own pattern for the gloves/arm warmers.

So here is my creation!!!

Crocodile Stitch arm warmers/fingerless gloves

For these I used:
Lion Brand Yarn Wool-Ease in Eggplant (2 skeins 3oz each, there was about half a skein left over when
Hook Size E/4-3.50MM
Stitch marker for marking rounds
Yarn Needle for tying in ends

Abbreviations: The pattern is written in US terminology.
ch -- chain
sc -- single crochet
hdc -- half double crochet
dc -- double crochet
sl st -- slip stitch

To work the scale pattern: work 5 hdc around the post of the first dc of the set (from top to bottom of the
dc post), ch 1, work 5 hdc around the post of the second dc inserting your hook from left to right (from
bottom to top of the dc post)

To start:
Make a slip knot leaving a long tail. Chain 37.
Row 1: sc in 2nd chain from hook, sc in every ch until the end of the chain. (36 sc)
Row 2: ch 3, turn, dc in base of ch3, *ch 2, skip 2 ch, 2 dc in next sc*, until the end of the row.
Row 3: ch 1, turn, work scale pattern around the first set of 2 dc's, *skip one set of 2 dc's and work scale
pattern in the next set of dc's (the one following the one you just skipped)*; repeat from * until the end of
the row, working just 4 dc in the 2nd part of the last scale. -- 7 scales.
Row 4: ch 3, turn, sl st around the post of first dc (from row 2) to complete the last scale pattern from row
3. Ch 3, dc in center sp of scale, *ch 2, 2 dc in sp between the scale you're in and the next one, ch 2, 2 dc
into center of next scale*; repeat from * until the end of the row. When you work between 2 scales, you can
put your hook into the space between the 2 dc's and all the way through the scales so you “catch” them with
the dc's you're making, giving more structure to the fabric.
Row 5: turn, sl st in 2nd dc, *work scale pattern on next set of dc's, skip one set of dc*; repeat from * until
the end of the row, sl st on last dc to secure the end of the scale. At this point you should have 6 scales
interspersed with those from row 3.
Row 6: ch 3, turn, dc at base of 3 ch (or in between the dc's set you are on top of), *ch 2, 2 dc in center of
next scale, ch 2, 2 dc between 2 scales*; until the end of the row.
Rows 7-14: Repeat Rows 3-6 until you reach row 12 (7 rows of scales)
Row 15: sl st together the first and last crocodile st in this row, sc in each st until the end of the round
Row 16: sc in each st around continuing in rounds instead of rows
Row 17-40: hdc in each st around.
Finish off by weaving in the end of row 40. using the long tail from your beginning chain stitch together the
first two scales. Weave in the end.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


OK so my photo dump is still in need of links. I will adjust that later today.

In the meantime I am working on 4 My Little Ponies from the new show. I have three rainbow dash and one big Mac. I will post photos and link to the wonderful artists that created and shared the patterns I'm using! I look forward to updating more frequently! And hopefully helping a few friends who said they would like to learn!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Photo dump....

OK so in the beginning of this blog I know I promised some photos.... well here goes.

~i will post credits to patterns used in creating these later today when I have access to a PC.~

Ok this first one has no pattern yet... i just made it up i will be working on one soon to post and share.
Basic hat pattern used here for the angry birds
Hat and the felt for the eyes and stitched the beak straight on.
this was the beginning or a blue mandala throw for a chriatmas gift.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Simple starters.

OK I know I haven't been on since I started this blog, but in a attempt to be better with this, here is my newest simple creation. Great for beginners!

Rice Ball Pin Cushion

D hook (3-3.5MM)
Cream or White Yarn
Black or Dark Green Felt
Black Yarn for details

This pattern is worked in rounds, it is best to use a stitch marker to keep track of each round.
The numbers at the end indicate how many stitches are in that round.

CH – chain
SC – Single Crochet
ST – Stitch
DEC – decrease
BLO – back loop only

Stuff as you go
1. Crochet 6 in magic ring - 6
2. 2sc in each st around – 12
3. *sc in first st, 2sc in next st* around – 18
4. *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 st* - 24
5. Sc in each st around – 24
6. Sc in first 12 st, 2sc in next, sc in last 11 st – 25
7-9 sc in each st around – 25
10  *2sc in next st, sc in next 3* around – 32
11   Sc in each st around - 32
12   sc in BLO around – 32
13  sc dec in next 2sc, sc in next 2 st – 24
14  sc dec in next 2sc, sc in next st – 16
15  *sc dec in next 2sc* around – 8
Tie off and weave in tail to close hole
Cut piece of felt to a rectangle of 3in X 1in.
Sew on with black thread
Create eyes and mouth with black yarn